2 Years Already! It really is hard to believe how quickly the past year has gone and so much that has evolved at Sage Holistic OT. The journey as a new entrepreneur has been enlightening and therapeutic on both a personal and business level. For example, recognizing habits of mind and seeing what can unfold when one shifts to a growth mindset.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a concept of Ying/Yang- the duality of life. How things can be so opposite but in their opposing forces they are interconnected and create a momentum in their cycle. Our first year was our ‘Year of Yes’, and in true Ying/Yang style, this past year has been the “Year of No”. Recognizing limits and boundaries as given structure and consistency.
Some highlights:
Graduated from Hamilton Starter Company Plus Program
Completed first Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy course facilitation
½ way done Osteopathic Manual Practitioner training…which means bodywork can now include Myofascial, Ligamentous, Counterstrain and Muscle Energy techniques
Enrolled with Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) in 2 locations, increasing access to services for Indigenous clients
And the ball keeps rolling! Stay tuned for what we have planned for our 3rd year. Our prediction is it will be a more balanced year with “Yes and No”. Finding the Ying/Yang balance within the same year...allowing to expand where it feels right and permission to say no when it's just too much.
Some intentions we plan to manifest…
Mindfulness Group Therapy course covered by NIHB
Continuing Osteo training by adding skills such as Visceral and Cranial Sacral certifications
and…._____________(I'll leave this one blank for some creative space for Spirit to jump in)...