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The Ying/Yang of 2 years...


2 Years Already! It really is hard to believe how quickly the past year has gone and so much that has evolved at Sage Holistic OT. The journey as a new entrepreneur has been enlightening and therapeutic on both a personal and business level. For example, recognizing habits of mind and seeing what can unfold when one shifts to a growth mindset.  

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a concept of Ying/Yang- the duality of life. How things can be so opposite but in their opposing forces they are interconnected and create a momentum in their cycle. Our first year was our ‘Year of Yes’, and in true Ying/Yang style, this past year has been the “Year of No”. Recognizing limits and boundaries as given structure and consistency. 

Some highlights:

  • Graduated from Hamilton Starter Company Plus Program

  • Completed first Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy course facilitation

  • ½ way done Osteopathic Manual Practitioner training…which means bodywork can now include Myofascial, Ligamentous, Counterstrain and Muscle Energy techniques

  • Enrolled with Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) in 2 locations, increasing access to services for Indigenous clients

And the ball keeps rolling! Stay tuned for what we have planned for our 3rd year. Our prediction is it will be a more balanced year with “Yes and No”. Finding the Ying/Yang balance within the same year...allowing to expand where it feels right and permission to say no when it's just too much.

Some intentions we plan to manifest…

  • Mindfulness Group Therapy course covered by NIHB

  • Continuing Osteo training by adding skills such as Visceral and Cranial Sacral certifications

  • and…._____________(I'll leave this one blank for some creative space for Spirit to jump in)...

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