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Long weekend "Being" Mode

Long weekends are great for getting stuff done, road trips, seeing friends and family and doing all those things we can't usually squeeze into a 2 day weekend. But sometimes all that "Doing" takes away from it all and by the end of the long weekend, we are more exhausted then when we went into it.

Enter the beauty of "Being" mode.

Being mode is described as being with the present moment. This is often the side effect of meditation and mindfulness. When we get busy with doing, we sometimes forget to really be present with the task. We're thinking of what we just finished or what is next on the "to do" list. So, how do you still get things done but also stop and smell the roses.

Being doesn't mean stopping all activity and becoming a recluse, it means training your brain to still engage in the task, but to be with that task fully and completely. It takes training to hone in on this awareness, but it is possible!

If you are curious, this is a great start! Contact us for more info.

With Peace :)

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